German Dog Names N-O

Your Great Dane is of German Ancestory so it is only fitting for them to have German Dog Names.

Name Sex Meaning
Nadetta Female The courage of a bear
Nadette Female The courage of a bear
Nadina Female The courage of a bear
Nadine Female The courage of a bear
Nadja Female Hope
Nardo Male Strong: hardy. Abbreviation of Bernardo and Leonardo.
Nef Male Nephew
Nefen Male Nephew
Neff Male Nephew
Nefin Male Nephew
Nickolaus Male Victorious: conquerer of the people. Variant of Nicholas.
Niklas Male Variant of Nikolaus. Victory.
Nikolaus Male Victorious: conquerer of the people. Variant of Nicholas.
Nixie Female Little water sprite
Norberaht Female Bright heroine
Norbert Male Shining from the North.
Norberta Female Bright heroine
Norberte Female Bright heroine
Norberto Male Bright heroine
Nordica Female From the north
Nordika Female From the north
Norman Male Man of the north. Surname.
Normand Male Man of the north. Surname.

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Name Sex Meaning
Oda Female Elfin spear
Odbart Male Wealthy
Odelina Female Elfin spear
Odette Female Elfin spear
Odhert Male Wealthy
Odiana Female Elfin spear
Odila Female Elfin spear
Odile Female Elfin spear
Olinda Female Defender of the land
Olis Male Powerful, strong.
Orbart Male Wealthy
Orbert Male Wealthy
Ordalf Female Elfin spear
Ordella Female Elfin spear
Orlan Male Renowned in the land. Form of Roland.
Orland Male Renowned in the land. Form of Roland.
Orlando Male Renowned in the land. Form of Roland.
Orlin Male Renowned in the land. Form of Roland.
Orlondo Male Renowned in the land. Form of Roland.
Oswald Male Power of God
Othman Male Wealthy
Othmann Male Wealthy
Otho Male Wealthy
Othomann Male Wealthy
Otilie Female Fortunate heroine
Otis Male Wealthy
Otka Female Fortunate heroine
Otthild Female Fortunate heroine
Otthilda Female Fortunate heroine
Otthilde Female Fortunate heroine
Ottila Female Fortunate heroine
Otto Male Born eighth or wealthy
Ottokar Male Happy fighter
Otylia Female Fortunate heroine

German Dog Names Beginning

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